Two new features are here!
Try out the Extended Search functionality available in the Advanced Search and the White Spot Analysis.
Extended Search Results
We have drastically increased the scope of information you can analyze directly within the search. Now it is possible to add up to three charts and tables from the law firms‘ or applicants‘ profiles to the Advanced Search’s result list.
Table of Important Partners or Representatives? Publication Authority? Outbound Case Flow? Click on the „Add chart for…“ field and specify which piece of information you would like to retrieve. The selected figures will be then loaded for every single entry shown in the list.
You can also directly export the information in Excel without going to each profile separately and putting the numbers together manually.
White Spot Analysis
The White Spot Analysis is an easy and quick way to identify the most promising and most risky technical areas when considering a collaboration with existing or potential clients and partners.
The algorithm behind the Analysis uses IPCs and compares the technical profile of a focal firm (i.e., your firm) to any other law firm (i.e., target firm) or applicant. It relates the target’s filing potential to the focal firm’s conflict risk and reveals IPCs with the most significant white spots.
It is currently in the beta phase. We will release some further improvements shortly.
In a nutshell
We always keep working on extensions of our software. The two new features can significantly support you in finding appropriate clients or partners to work with, saving you time and making your business development activities more effective.
Doing our best in making 2022 successful for your firm!