Our Story
Our story began in 2017. After working a few years with patent data, we realized that very few patent analytics tools are making comprehensive use of information about patent representations, i.e. the agents and law firms behind the filings.
On top, we noticed that specifically IP law firms wanted to see the data from a different angle when it comes to business development decisions. While they often were already using some kind of patent analytics tools for searching and portfolio analysis, they were missing a global view on the connections in the IP industry. This is why we created Patent-Pilot.
We got together the most comprehensive dataset on patent representations and processed the data in a way that our users could see the interactions of law firms and clients on the same patent cases. What became one of our most valuable functions, is the so-called decision-maker feature. While there is no indication on the data directly who is in charge of international instructions (the applicant or the law firm?), we built an algorithm that is able to extract this kind of details from the data by using big data pattern approaches.
In 2022, we added trademark information to our software, rebranding our software to IP Pilot.
IP Pilot is the must-have market intelligence tool for IP law firms worldwide. No other analytics software will allow you to get such an in-depth view on IP representations while at the same time being easy to use.