Top 50 Firms Leading in EPO Patent Applications 2023

Published On: 2024-02-26|Tags: , |3.3 min read|

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Many applicants across Europe and worldwide favor the European Patent Office (EPO) route over navigating the complexities of national patent procedures. By choosing the European route, they secure protection across multiple EPO contracting states simultaneously. Consequently, handling EPO patent applications presents a lucrative and scalable opportunity for regional IP law firms.

What were the key trends in EPO patent filings by European representatives in 2023?

Total number of prosecuted EP filings 2023: Country breakdown

According to IP Pilot’s data, 1,463 European representatives managed a total of 168,127 EPO patent applications in 2023 (based on the number of patent filings first published in 2023, state of February 2024). German agents led with 76,695 filings, followed by UK agents with 48,636 filings, making up 46% and 29% of European patent applications, respectively.

Representatives from France accounted for 7% or 11,454 filings which is a notably lower number compared to Germany and the UK.

Italy (4% – 7,144 filings), the Netherlands (3% – 4,245 filings), and Sweden (2% – 3,604 filings) also feature among the top EP-filing countries, reflecting their active participation in the European patent system.

Which firms were the most important representatives of EPO patent applications in 2023? 

To uncover these insights, IP Pilot meticulously analyzed thousands of European patent applications initially published in 2023. As a result, the table showcases the top 50 IP law firms that prosecuted EPO patent applications in the past year.

It’s no surprise that German and UK firms dominated the list, collectively representing 91% of relevant filings. This underscores the considerable concentration of EP business within these leading firms.

Leading the pack were German firms like HOFFMANN EITLE and GRÜNECKER, along with British firm DEHNS, which secured the top three positions in 2023.


In addition to firms from the UK and Germany, IP law firms from France (PLASSERAUD IP and CABINET BEAU DE LOMÉNIE), Italy (STUDIO TORTA), the Netherlands (NLO NEDERLANDSCH OCTROOIBUREAU, and V.O. (VEREENIGDE OCTROOIBUREAUX), and ARNOLD & SIEDSMA), and Sweden (AWA) also secured prominent positions among the top 50 IP law firms prosecuting EP filings in 2023.

Top 50 representative IP law firms at EPO 2023

Is there a notable emphasis on international or domestic business among the Top 50 patent firms for EPO patent applications?

The detailed examination of patent firms’ profiles on the IP Pilot platform has uncovered a notable trend among the top 50 agents listed in the table. A majority of these firms have demonstrated a pronounced emphasis on international business, with more than 70% of their EPO patent applications originating from clients outside their home countries (see the table above). Particularly noteworthy is the fact that a significant portion of German and British firms have been representing foreign applicants in EP application prosecutions, underscoring their proficiency in catering to a global clientele.

This highlights the critical importance, for European IP businesses, of effectively engaging with international clients and partners. Such capability is pivotal in capitalizing on opportunities in the international market.

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To sum up

In conclusion, the EP route remains highly favored by applicants across Europe and worldwide due to its efficiency and comprehensive coverage across multiple contracting states. This preference has made handling EP filings a lucrative opportunity for regional IP law firms. In 2023, German and UK firms dominated EPO patent applications, collectively representing 91% of relevant filings.
A closer examination reveals that these leading firms have a strong focus on international business, with over 70% of their EPO patent applications originating from clients outside their home countries. This underscores the importance of effectively engaging with international clients and partners to receive referral work, a capability pivotal for success in the global IP market.

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